About Me

Welcome to my Blog

My name is Kizie Collins and before 2014 all I new about Deaf people was that it was a disability and I was glad that I hadn't been born with it, in fact I pitied persons who were deaf. In 2014 I took a class called intro to sign language as an elective. I thought it would be different from all of the other courses I had taken thus far and that it would look good on my resume.

It was a learning experience on different levels and sparked my interest. I found out that doing sign language was not as easy as deaf people made it look and that deaf people have their own unique and complex culture. My lecturer was very passionate about the language and made the class about more than just learning signs. We had to understand before we could communicate.

With any language that you learn it helps if you understand the culture of the people who use it. By doing the blog which is part of another class (Communication via Social Networking) I hope to learn and help others to learn about sign language and deaf culture. I believe that if people are more aware and knowledgeable they would look at and treat deaf people differently.

People who are deaf do not see themselves as  disable so then why should we view them that way. Sign language is beautiful and just as valid a form of language as English, French or any other language. I hope that through this blog we all achieve a new found respect for the deaf, their language and their culture.

I'd also like to look at the resources that can be employed to make sure that deaf citizens are afforded the same opportunities as everyone else, This seems to be an area that needs to be addressed in T&T

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