Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Communication Guidelines

     When we communicate with others we generally don't have to think about it; it happens naturally but when one the last time you communicated with someone who is deaf? were you uncomfortable? unsure of how to act? well today we'll learn about communication with members of the deaf community.

     Firstly accept the fact that you will feel initially feel awkward but as you interact more you'll become more comfortable and you will gradually learn to make yourself understood. the following 5 rules will help you in your next conversation with someone who is deaf.   

1. When communication with someone who is deaf be sure to use body language, gestures and facial expressions, writing what you want to say is also very helpful. Some deaf people can lip read as well. The important point is that you have several options, one might work or it make take a combination of these so try until you both understand each other.

2. Hearing people tend to engage in very quick conversations and interaction while deaf people value face to face conversations and they percieve it as an investment.  It is wise to be patient when interacting with a deaf person, ask questions and seek clarification if you can't understand what the person is saying. Never fake understanding, it is important to share information even if you think it is trivial. Conversations is the main way that deaf people learn about what is happening in their inner circle and the wider society.

3. Deaf people listen with their eyes so only talk when you make eye contact with them. A deaf person can not look at an object and listen to you describe it at the same time.

4. Many deaf people use sign language interpreters but you must still try to maintain eye contact  with them even though they will be looking at the interpreter. It will seem awkward to you but the deaf person will appreciate your efforts.

5. Even if a deaf person uses an interpreter to communicate with you, it is still possible to interact with them directly, use the beginning and end of the conversation. Remember to smile, shake hands and the all important eye contact. This is considered as visual and tactile communication.

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