Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Deaf Culture: Music

           I grew up in a musical family and while I've been unable to master any instrument (not even a recorder) fortunately I was blessed with a decent voice and singing has been a lucrative hobby since the age of fifteen. I use music to express my emotion, it soothes and calms me when I am sad, it  plays a major role in my life and I can find something in any genre that I can connect to. I've often felt that deaf people are missing out on such a wonderful experience because they can't hear but I am happy to report that I have been wrong in my assessment. Deaf people enjoy music, play instruments and dance albeit their experience of music is different to that of someone who hears.

          Have you ever been to a party and stood to close to the speaker box, the vibrations emitted would be so powerful that you'd have to switch locations, well that is just an example that shows that music is more than just sound; it creates vibrations, has lyrics and evokes emotion. Music does not have to be heard to be enjoyed it can be felt. Famous deaf solo percussionist and composer Evelyn Glennie states "Hearing is basically a specialized form of touch, sound is simply vibrating air which the ear picks up and converts to electrical signals, which are then interpreted by the brain. The sense of hearing is not the only sense that can do this, touch can do this too" Glennie lost her hearing at the age of twelve and her to learn to feel music instead. She explains in an article how she adapted to and learned the feel of different instruments by leaning against the wall during class. The article also mentions famous composer Bethoven who went deaf at the age of thirty but continued to compose successfully in spite of being deaf.

The world of music is changing for members of the deaf community. A lot of deaf musicians and technical staff are joining forces to create music videos using ASL so that deaf people can easily enjoy them. This article Beyond Vibrations also give good insight as to the progress that is being made in the world of music by the deaf community. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post, I agree that music more than sound, it created vibrations and evokes emotions.
